BLUF Your Way to Success – Adam Thomas on The Product Experience
The one thing every product person needs is a new acronym that comes from the military, and Adam Thomas is here to help. Sarcasm aside, Adam’s made good use of the BLUF technique: Bottom Line Up Front, a short template, clearly laying out what the team is working on and how they plan to do it. He joined us for a chat about alignment, how this complements Mat LeMay’s One Page/One Hour approach, and why his template stretches onto a second page.
In this episode, sponsored by Amplitude,
- Everything you ever wanted to know about alignment
- The difference between Epics and Initiatives
Quote of the Episode
Any system starts to fall back into disorder given any amount of time, and alignment is prone to entropy like any other system.
- Follow Adam on Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube
- Adam’s Website – and his new consultancy, Approaching One
- Initiative template for BLUF (Bottom Line Up Front)
- Product Work Beyond Product-Market Fit article
- Chris Butler – Your Strategy is Too Sacred article
- The Pyramid Principle – Barbara Minto
- John Cutler, Why Happier Autonomous Teams Use One-Pagers
- Matt LeMay on The Product Experience
- Seth Godin’s take on Thrashing
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